With the implementation of Z-Connect, the step towards the operation management with real time vehicle data was realized also with the help of our industry leading partners.
The approach of ZIEGLER is holistic. The company focuses on connection: Open interfaces to subject-specific professionals, lead established market providers and necessary information. ZIEGLER focuses on an open, learning system that adapts to the agile dynamic requirements, that is scalable and connects with everything. With this, the deciding operation force is able to make decisions based on the best and full data situation. This is a vision for the future development of the IMBOS platform.
"Wij bieden veiligheid" – Deze belofte maakt duidelijk waarvoor het merk ZIEGLER staat. Vooral het directe contact is belangrijk voor ons. Daarop vertrouwen ZIEGLER klanten over de hele wereld. Sinds 40 jaar. Vandaag. En ook in de toekomst.
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